How immigration lawyer can help you with the family petition?

Understanding the U.S. immigration laws can be very complex for you. So, hiring an immigration lawyer will be a good decision for you while dealing with immigration issues. With the help of Best Immigration Lawyers in Las Vegas Nevada, you can bring a family member to the USA with ease.  You can sponsor him/her for a green card if you are an LPR or a U.S. citizen.

Remember that, temporary visa holders cannot sponsor family members for green cards. Moreover, the family member whom you will sponsor will depend on your own immigration status in the USA.

The basic process for filing a family-based petition is very simple; if you are a sponsor, then you will file an I-130 Petition with USCIS.

There should be proof of the family relationship between the sponsor and the beneficiary. This can be a birth certificate if the sponsor is a parent or a marriage certificate if the sponsor is a spouse.

Furthermore, the petition must also contain proof that the relative who is coming to the USA will not be a “public charge” in the United States. This means that the relative or beneficiary will not be required to make use of public welfare programs to survive. To prove this, the sponsor must include proof of the sponsor’s gainful employment or income; the beneficiary’s employment and income can also be taken into consideration.

For more information, contact The Law Offices of C. Antonio Delgado immigration attorney for getting proper guidance in family petitions. 


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