Travel Restrictions Lawfully Permanent Residents Have To Face In The US & How Best Immigration Attorney In Las Vegas Can Help?

If you thought entering the US and getting permanent resident status was hard listen to this. Leaving the country for a long time can cost you your lawfully permanent resident status faster than you could spell LAWFULLY PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS. And every immigration lawyer in Las Vegas knows that the best.

How many days you can stay in a foreign country before you get a shout-out from the USCIS?


Immigration lawyer in Las Vegas

If you are absent for less than 180 days:

Well, you are in the clear if you have returned to the US within 180 days & if USCIS has no proof of your intention of abandoning your PR. Some of the ways that could give USCIS are-

·        Accepting job proposals in other countries.

·        Filing US taxes as a non-immigrant etc

If you are absent for more than 180 days:

Now, this can be an issue. The fact that you were out of the US territory for more than 180 days can give more than the required documents to presume that you have abandoned permanent residence. In this case, you will have to prove your intention of coming back like a job, bank account, property, or proof that you own a car here. You can reach out for advice from an immigration lawyer in Las Vegas for better guides.

If you are absent for more than a year:

This means a direct loss of LPR status, the only way to avoid this getting a reentry permit to help save your LPR status. Talk to your immigration lawyer in Las Vegas today if you are facing this issue!

Immigration lawyer in Las Vegas

How to apply for a reentry permit?    

A reentry permit lasts for two years and to apply for this permit you will need to fill out the I-131 form. This form needs to be filled out 60 days before your intended trip. You will need to be physically present in the US during form filling. Getting the help of any immigration lawyer in Las Vegas is advised for people who want to fill out this form.


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